Red Hat Red Hat Jboss Fuse 7 Vulnerabilities
Red%20hat Red Hat Jboss Fuse 7 vulnerabilities.
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Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability in Serialize-Javascript by Yahoo
CVE-2024-11831Red HatRed Hat Advanced Clust...5.4MEDIUMRole-Based Access Control Vulnerability in Wildfly Server
CVE-2025-23367Red HatRed Hat Build Of Keycloak6.5MEDIUMCookies vulnerability could lead to unauthorized data access or modification
CVE-2024-12397Red HatRed Hat Build Of Apach...7.4HIGHUnauthorized Data Access via Incorrect Cookie Parsing
CVE-2023-4639Red HatMigration Toolkit For ...7.4HIGHHTML Injection Vulnerability in Hibernate Validator
CVE-2023-1932Red HatA-MQ Clients 26.1MEDIUMUndertow ProxyProtocolReadListener Vulnerability
CVE-2024-7885Red HatRed Hat Build Of Apach...7.5HIGHUndertow Vulnerability: Enabling Learning-Push Handler Can Prevent Attacks
CVE-2024-3653Red HatRed Hat Jboss Enterpri...5.3MEDIUMUndertow Vulnerability Leads to Denial of Service Attack
CVE-2024-5971Red HatRed Hat Build Of Apach...7.5HIGHUndertow Ajp-Listener Vulnerability: URL-Encoded Request Path Information Can Be Broken
CVE-2024-6162Red HatEap Logging Vulnerability Exposes User Credentials
CVE-2024-1102Red HatRed Hat Jboss Enterpri...6.5MEDIUMQuarkus: authorization flaw in quarkus resteasy reactive and classic when "" or "" properties are used.
CVE-2023-5675Red HatRed Hat Build Of Quark...6.5MEDIUMKeycloak Flaw Allows Attackers to Bypass Validation and Access Sensitive Information
CVE-2024-1132Red HatMigration Toolkit For ...8.1HIGHMemory Leak in TLS and SNI Support in Eclipse Vert.x Toolkit Allows Attackers to Trigger JVM Out-of-Memory Error
CVE-2024-1300Red HatCeq 3.25.4MEDIUMMemory Leak Vulnerability in Eclipse Vert.x Toolkit
CVE-2024-1023Red HatCeq 3.26.5MEDIUMStack Overflow Exception in XNIO NotifierState Could Lead to Denial of Service
CVE-2023-5685Red HatEap Vulnerability Impacts Wildfly-HTTP-Client Server
CVE-2024-1635Red HatRed Hat Jboss Enterpri...7.5HIGHPotential Path Traversal Vulnerability in Undertow Could Allow Access to Privileged Files
CVE-2024-1459Red HatRed Hat Jboss Enterpri...5.3MEDIUMKeycloak: redirect_uri validation bypass
CVE-2023-6291Red HatRed Hat Build Of Keycl...7.1HIGHQuarkus: json payload getting processed prior to security checks when rest resources are used with annotations.
CVE-2023-6267Red HatRed Hat Build Of Quark...9.8CRITICALUndertow: ajp request closes connection exceeding maxrequestsize
CVE-2023-5379Red HatRed Hat Jboss Enterpri...7.5HIGHUndertow: outofmemoryerror due to @multipartconfig handling
CVE-2023-3223Red HatRed Hat Fuse xml external entity (xxe) injection
CVE-2022-4245Red HatRhint Camel-k- directory traversal
CVE-2022-4244Red HatRhint Camel-k- loop in sslconduit during close
CVE-2023-1108Red Hatundertow7.5HIGHDrools: unsafe data deserialization in streamutils
CVE-2022-1415Red HatRHPam 7.13.1 Async8.1HIGH